ANACS Services FAQ
Is ANACS going to change the holder again in the next few years?

We believe the Clearview holder offers the very best in functionality and security, and have no plans to change it.

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Does ANACS certify “problem coins”?

Yes. ANACS is the first major grading service to grade cleaned, corroded, damaged, repaired, and other "problem coins". Label's display a coin’s "detail grade" and the coin’s corresponding problem(s). “Details” Graded coins are not eligible for the ANACS Guarantee.

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Does ANACS grade tokens?

ANACS grades the following tokens:

  • U.S. Hard Times Tokens (including Feuchtwanger pieces) in the Low/Rulau reference.
  • U.S. Civil War, Patriotic, and Storecard Tokens in the Fuld references.
  • So-Called Dollars (max. diameter 40.6 mm) in the Hibler-Kappen reference.
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Does ANACS grade world coins?

Yes, we do grade and authenticate world coins as long as they are listed in the Krause Catalog of World Coins. Please email us if you have questions about any specific world pieces.

What does your Grade Mean?

The chart below shows the break down of the grades.

Straight Grades
(problem free)
Problem Grades
(detail graded)
Mint State (MS) 70-60 MS60
About Uncirculated (AU) 58, 55, 53, 50 AB (AU58)
Extremely Fine (EF) 45, 40 A5 (AU55)
Very Fine (VF) 35, 30, 25, 20 A3 (AU53)
Fine (F) 15, 12 AU (AU50)
Very Good (VG) 10, 8 E5 (EF45)
Good (G) 6, 4 EF (EF40)
About Good (AG) 3 V3 (VF30)
Fair (FR) 2 VF (VF20)
Poor (P) 1 FI (FI-12)
  VD (VG10)
  VG (VG8)
  GD (GD4)
  AB (AG3)
  FA (FR2)
  PO (P1)
Other Grade Designations
GH (Genuine)
N8 (Non-eligible - wrong size for encapsulation, not something we grade, corrosion that is not PVC)
N9 (altered coin, not genuine, questionable authenticity, etc.)
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What are varieties?

The advent of modern minting technology has enabled the production of huge volumes of virtually identical coins. They are struck on high speed presses using tools called dies. Each die is a negative image of the coin it is intended to produce. The dies are in turn produced by being impressed by a tool called a hub which contains the features of one side of the coin it is designed to manufacture. The hubbing process is used to make dies of a consistent quality. Within a given year's production, slight but noticeable differences may occur in the die making process. Coins struck from these dies are known as varieties.

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What are variety numbers?

Coin collecting is an information driven hobby. Collectors of varieties of a particular series often rely on a standard reference book that lists all the known varieties or the most significant varieties of their chosen coin series. Listings in these books usually are numbered. When referring to such a listing, it is the standard practice to abbreviate the author or authors name(s) followed by the number they have assigned to a specific variety. For example, collectors of Capped Bust Half Dollars use the standard reference Early Half Dollar Die Varieties by Al Overton. A specific coin such as the 1823 "Ugly 3" would be listed as O-110a, the number Overton assigned to this particular variety. Works of this nature exist for many US coin series.

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With varieties, what is the difference between verification and research?

No grading service attributes as many varieties as ANACS. You can either submit your coins with the attributions already included or you can ask ANACS to research the attribution for you. The cost for ANACS to look up your attribution and to verify it is just $12 per coin, plus the grading fee. The cost for ANACS to research an attribution for you is only $15 per coin, plus the grading fee. You must submit each of your coins for variety, attribution or error designation for verification or research on a separate submission form from all your other coins.

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What is a VAM?

Collectors of silver dollars refer to the Comprehensive Catalog and Encyclopedia of Morgan & Peace Dollars by Leroy Van Allen and A. George Mallis as a standard reference. Van Allen-Mallis numbers, abbreviated VAM are assigned for all recognized die pairs. New die pairings continue to be found and listings are continually updated by Mr. Van Allen. At this time, more than 3300 distinct die pairs are known. ANACS offers attribution and verification services for all listed VAM numbers, including new discoveries. No other grading service comes even remotely close to the scope and breadth of VAMs that ANACS attributes.

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Does ANACS determine the value of my coins?

In order to maintain our strict independence, ANACS will only authenticate, grade, and attribute your coins. We will not appraise coins for value. If we discover a coin that is exceedingly rare, we will contact you to discuss your best options for insurance and shipping. The value of coins is continuously changing, but once you know the grade of a coin, there are a number of sources that allow you to determine its current value.

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What is a “crossover” and how does Crossover Service work?

A “crossover” is a coin that is submitted to ANACS in another grading service's holder. On crossover submissions, we will not remove coins from their holders unless they meet a minimum grade, as provided by you in the Minimum Crossover Grade column of the submission form. Any crossover coin that does not meet your minimum grade will be returned in its present holder. If you would like coins to crossover at any grade, you should write "Any" in the Minimum Crossover Grade column.

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How will my ANACS-certified coins be reholdered?

On January 1, 2008 ANACS, under its new ownership, relocated from Austin, Texas to suburban Denver. Coins that were certified by ANACS under previous ownership will be reholdered in the ANACS blue label. Coins that were certified since January 1, 2008 under the new ownership, will be reholdered in the ANACS gold label.

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Can a coin that was once in an ANACS holder be resubmitted for the same grade?

Once a coin has been removed from an ANACS holder there is no guarantee that it will be given the same grade it once had. Furthermore, once a coin has been removed from the ANACS holder, the ANACS Gurarantee of grade and authenticity no longer applies.

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What superlative designations does ANACS use when it grades a coin?

The following designation will be listed on the ANACS label whenever appropriate for coins graded MS or PF-60 and above, except for AU and better coins as noted:

Designation Description Notes Update
FSB Full Split Bands Mercury and Roosevelt Dimes Full Split Bands not designated on Proofs, save with reholders.
FH Full Head Standing Liberty Quarters
(AU 50 and above)
PL Proof-Like Business Strike Coins
(AU 50 and above)
DMPL Deep Mirror Proof-Like Business Strike Coins
(AU 50 and above)
UDM Ultra Deep Mirror Proof-Like Business Strike Coins
(AU 50 and above)
FBL Full Bell Lines Franklin Half Dollars Full Bell Lines not designated on Proofs, save with reholders.
5 STEPS Five Steps Jefferson Nickles Steps not designated on Proofs, save with reholders.
5.5 STEPS Five and One Half Steps Jefferson Nickles Steps not designated on Proofs, save with reholders.
6 STEPS Six Steps Jefferson Nickles Steps not designated on Proofs, save with reholders.
CAMEO Cameo Contrast Proof Coins and SMS Coins  
DCAM Heavy Cameo Contrast Proof Coins and SMS Coins  
RED Red Color Copper Coins  
RB Red Brown Copper Coins  
BRN Brown Color Copper Coins  

Coins in which a reverse only superlative may describe the coin are not deemed appropriate by ANACS to list on the holder. For Example, ANACS does not designate a Proof Franklin Half Dollar with a reverse cameo contrast as REV CAMEO on the slab label.

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What should I do if my coin has a mistake on the label?

If you believe that you have an ANACS certified coin with an incorrect label, call our customer service department (800.888.1861). We are glad to check our records on any ANACS graded coin, and will make arrangements to correct any problems that might exist.

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What is PVC residue?

PVC residue is a surface contaminant that may be caused by storing a coin in a soft, pliable vinyl flip. The amount of time a coin needs to reside in a vinyl flip before the PVC film develops will vary significantly, depending on temperature, humidity, the age of the flip, and the type of coin. Under optimal conditions, PVC residue can begin to form in as little as two weeks. At ANACS, we only use Mylar flips. Mylar flips are free of all PVC.

The composition of a coin is a strong factor with the formation of PVC residue.

A gold or platinum coin will be the most resistant, a silver coin is next, and a copper or copper-nickel coin will be the most susceptible. Copper and copper-nickel coins are also highly susceptible to corrosion and/or spotting from excessive moisture and high emperatures. Due to this, collectors need to be extra careful with their choices of storage materials for these coins.

During the manufacturing process for soft vinyl flips, an agent is added to increase pliability. The main reason for this is to allow the flips to be reused without breaking or tearing. This softening agent will migrate out of the plastic over time, and becomes the surface film that is called “PVC Residue.” As this film continues to degrade, it eventually turns into a mild acid, and begins to attack the surface of the coin. Until the film is removed from the coin, it is usually not possible to tell if the coin has been damaged. Additionally, this chemical reaction can continue even if the coin is sealed in an inert plastic holder. This is why ANACS does not encapsulate coins with active PVC contamination.

Recognizing PVC residue is not always easy. When the residue begins to form, it often appears as light milky spots on the coin. PVC residue also appears as streaks or a light haze, and ranges from nearly white to dark green or gray. If the coin has enough ontamination, and your sense of smell is good, you will detect an odor that imitates the smell of a new plastic shower curtain.

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Is ANACS associated with the ANA?

ANACS originally meant "American Numismatic Association Certification Services," and was created by the ANA in 1972 to root out and expose counterfeit and altered coins that were plaguing the hobby at that time. In 1990, the ANA sold ANACS, and has not controlled the company in any way since. While ANACS does not have an official relationship with the ANA, we are still proud supporters of that organization.

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Does ANACS make the plastic holders or do you have a company that does this for you?

All of the components for the new ANACS holder and the classic ANACS holder are manufactured for us. For security and proprietary reasons we do not release the names of these companies. One thing we definitely can tell you is that all components of the holder—the plastic, the label, the ink and the adhesives—have all been rigorously tested and are completely safe for your coins.

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What is a "Population Report"?

A population report (or pop report as it is commonly called) is a full listing of all the coins a grading service has graded. The ANACS pop report is arranged by coin denomination, date, mintmark and grade.

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What is ANACS Conservation service?
  • What is it?
    ANACS Conservation Service is an add-on option to our coin-grading services, in which you give us permission to perform conservation on coins where we deem it necessary or desirable.
  • What kinds of conservation do you do?
    ANACS will remove PVC, debris, glue, stains, hazing, and other easily removed or distracting flaws from submitted coins.
  • Whatever happened to the rule that you should never clean coins?
    Over the years, many collectable coins have suffered from attempts at cleaning that alter their surfaces and decrease their numismatic value. As a result, most coin experts advise collectors to never clean their coins. ANACS Conservation Service employs techniques that are designed to preserve the coins surface, while removing substances that deter from a coins appearance and value.
  • How is the decision to conserve a coin made?
    The decision to conserve a coin is always made by a professional numismatist, with an eye toward achieving the most desirable numismatic qualities of a coin. For example, a coin with eye pleasing toning will be kept in that condition, while a coin that has unattractive hazing will typically be treated.
  • What if it is not possible to conserve a coin?
    ANACS Conservation Service is not a restoration service, and, as such, there will be coins that are not covered by this service. Environmental damage, such as active corrosion, typically cannot be conserved. Also, spotting on proof coins is unlikely to be reversed, especially the spotting that occurs on proof silver eagles.
  • What about copper?
    Copper coins are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Since copper is a very active metal, there are many copper coins that we cannot treat. Red or red-brown copper will always look worse after conservation attempts, so we will not treat those. Brown copper can sometimes see improvement.
  • Will my conserved coin be graded “Cleaned”?
    Only if your coin was cleaned prior to its submission. It is not uncommon for the removal of PVC to uncover prior cleaning of coins. However, the services that we perform will not cause this condition, only potentially expose it.
  • How do I know how much to pay if I don’t know which coins will be conserved?
    ANACS has set up a pricing structure that makes it easy and price effective for you to select the conservation option. The conservation option is available on a per submission basis, so that there is one low fee for any coins in a given submission to be treated.
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What is ANACS Imaging service?
  • What is it?
    ANACS Imaging is an add-on service in which we will take high quality photographs of your graded coins that you can access online and copy to your own library. Our customers have long requested this service, and we are pleased to offer it at a very affordable rate.
  • What does the image look like?
    The image includes both the obverse and reverse of the holdered coin, with the grading, variety and serial number information clearly visible.
  • How do I see my images?
    When your order is complete, you can view your images by entering the coin serial numbers into our Imaging page at
  • Are they available for others to see?
    Yes, although other viewers would need to be given the appropriate serial numbers to view your coins.
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